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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 03/30/2011
Minutes of Meeting – March 30, 2011; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; KR Flynn; D Trancynger; K Fowler; J McNinch.

Citizen’s Participation:  None.

MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of March 23 as presented.  4/0 vote with JM abstaining.

CPC Report:  Community Preservation Committee member Frederick Keator quickly went through the committee’s three warrant articles.  With regard to the article seeking to purchase 19.57 acres of land, only six acres are developable.  The balance of the land will be devoted to open space.  LM suggested that an appraisal be done on the land.  Mr. Keator responded that the option is already set and is not negotiable.

CIC Report:  The TM went through the various capital budget items.  LM questioned the need to purchase a new pick up truck and a new dump truck with a snow plow.  JM agreed that the Town has a significant number of trucks.  It was agreed to go forward with the requests as presented and to have a future discussion about the DPW’s fleet schedule.

FinCom Report:  Eric Vincellette gave the Finance Committee’s recommendations, making the following changes to the proposed FY12 budget:  Board of Health, $109,012 down to $108,571 for a total Human Services budget of $115,600.  The Police Department budget was discussed, and it was agreed to increase it by $1000, to be covered by incoming drug forfeitures, for a new total of $1,105,636.  He mentioned that the FinCom concurred with the idea to include $100,000 in the Insurance budget for OPEB.  MOTION by LM, seconded by KF to approve the FY12 budget as amended.  5/0 vote.

Consent Agenda items:  None.
Old/New Business:  KF suggested that the Board, at some point, discuss the process to be followed should the new Outdoor Dining Town By-law pass at the upcoming Special Town Meeting.  He stated that it will be a difficult process that must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  KRF stated that she feels that the particulars should be in place prior to the STM vote.  Nancy Armstrong suggested that the Board set specific boundaries so that pedestrians are not negatively affected.  KF also mentioned the idea of erecting banners to the new streetlight poles.  He also would like the Board to receive progress reports from the Chamber of Commerce on the status of the British Motorcar show.  MED to send a letter to the Chamber requesting same.  DT stated that she feels that the Economic Development Action Plan Steering Committee has done a wonderful job to date, and suggested that the Board supply them with e-mail addresses to keep them in the loop.  JM read a thank you letter from the Boy’s Basketball Team for the Town’s show of support and congratulated them on a wonderful showing.  LM mentioned that she was informed that Laurel Lake Road was designated as part of the Scenic Road Act, and that the surrounding area was designated for passive recreation use only, and that she is trying to locate documents to that effect.  She also asked the TM to make the Farmer’s Market aware that Aspenwell is willing to erect a tent in the front of their parking lot to accommodate them.  Nancy Armstrong asked if it could be documented any where that the Farmer’s Market would never be back on Main Street, but the Board explained that they cannot speak for future Boards.  KRF stated that she would like to amend the Minutes of March 23 to clarify that the STM warrant articles, as well as the date and time of the meeting, were approved by the Board.  MOTION by LM, seconded by KF to amend the 3/23 Minutes to reflect that the warrant articles were approved, along with the date of the meeting.  4/0 vote with JHN abstaining as he was not present at the 3/23 meeting.  KRF then went on to give a brief overview of the Lenox Moving Forward forum held on Monday evening.  She stated that approximately sixty people were in attendance, and that a lot of good ideas and suggestions were shared.  Forum #5 to continue this process is scheduled for April 27.  JM clarified that the chain of information is Bodden-Hamilton to the TM to the Steering Committee/Board of Selectmen and back again.  The TM is to be the conduit that everything flows through.  LM suggested that the Board begin holding workshops either on the off Wednesdays or prior to the regular meeting.  There was a general consensus that prior to the meeting would work best.  The TM informed the group that it is a go for two individuals to visit from Pakistan.  They will be in Pittsfield from April 11-25 and then in Lenox from April 26-May 6.  There are still some open times should anyone be interested in hosting them for an event or dinner.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                       Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Director of Administrative Services
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518